Videos that are created in or uploaded to YuJa may be added into any Content Area in your Blackboard course shell.
In your course, navigate to the Content Area in which you wish to link to the video.
- Click Build Content
- Select YuJa Media Chooser
- On the YuJa Media Chooser Library screen, scroll down to find the video you wish to embed and click on the video thumbnail image to select it (video border will highlight blue when selected).
- Once the video is selected, click Insert Content.
- A link to the video is now added to the Content Area.
Additionally, students can embed a video into certain assessments in Blackboard, including Assignments and the Discussion Board.- From any Text Submission box, click the ellipsis, or More.
- Click the plus sign or Add Content.
- Click YuJa Media Chooser.
- From any Text Submission box, click the ellipsis, or More.
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