Videos that are created in or uploaded to YuJa may be added into any Content Area in your Blackboard course shell. If you have a video you would like to upload to YuJa, you can follow the instructions in the Upload a Video to Yuja guide.
In Ultra, this will primarily happen within an Ultra Document.
- Create an Ultra Document by clicking the plus sign (+) in the Course Content area you would like the video placed.
- Select Create from the menu that pops up.
- In the menu that opens to the right, select Document.
- Name your document on the top left side of the screen.
- In the main window, select Content from the list.
- In the content editor, select the plus sign (+) on the right side of the tool bar
- In the menu that opens, select Content Market
- Scroll to the bottom of the Content Market and select YuJa Media Chooser
- The LTI will open and all the videos you have uploaded to YuJa will show. Select the video you want to add. A blue border will appear when it is selected.
- Select Insert Content on the bottom right side of the window.
- Write the display name you would like for your video. You can choose to keep what the video is named or rename it. Select Insert.
- When you are happy with your content area, you can select Save.
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