Check In Mode presents instructors with another option for recording attendance in their courses. If using the Check-In feature, you can elect to have a unique PIN generated for students to enter every time you take attendance with the feature. Once activated, students are responsible for entering the PIN into the tool from their device to check into class.
Enabling Check In Mode
- Click Settings from the main navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen, and click the Preferences tab.
- Scroll down to Check In and configure the settings for PIN and Timer.
- PIN Check In enables instructors to mandate student check-ins for class using a 4-digit PIN. Upon initiating a PIN Check In session, instructors will receive the session's PIN on their screen. This PIN must be shared or displayed for students. As students arrive for class, they must input the correct PIN to register their presence.
- When using the timer, students are notified of how long they have to check in to class before they are automatically marked absent. The check in session will close automatically when the timer hits 00:00.
- Click Save Settings
Starting a Check In Session
- Click Attendance from the main navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen, and choose Check In.
- On the Check In screen, you can choose to title your session.
- When ready to begin the Check In session, click the blue Start Check In button. You will then receive the session's PIN. This PIN must be shared or displayed for students.
- Once the timer runs out (if you are using a timer) or you are ready to end the session, click the blue End Check In button. The attendance session will be saved to the Records screen.
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