To enable ProctorU for an exam in Blackboard you need to submit a request through the ProctorU website.
Exams should be submitted at least 2 weeks ahead of time to allow for processing and to give students time to schedule their exams.
- Go to and login.
- In your web browser, click the ProctorU web extension icon and login to ProctorU.
- In your course, navigate to where the Test you wish to attach ProctroU to is deployed and click the options button next to the test name. Then select Edit Test Options.
- The ProctorU logo will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the Test Options screen.
If it does not appear, repeat step 2 to ensure you are logged in to the web extension, then refresh your browser and repeat step 3. - Click on the ProctorU logo to open the ProctorU settings.
- Work through the ProctorU settings to configure them as you need for your test session. Click Continue to advance to each settings screen.
- When you are all done, click Save & Return to LMS.
Test Taker Accommodations may be requested by the instructor. For more information, check out:
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