When you create a gradable item in your course (assignment, test, discussion forum, etc.), a column is automatically generated for this item in your gradebook. However, suppose you need to track completion or input a grade value for an item submitted outside Blackboard (oral presentation, field trip, etc.). In that case, you may manually create a column in your grade book for these entries.
To manually create a gradebook column in your Ultra gradebook:
- Click on the Gradebook in your Ultra course, and navigate to the Grades or Gradable Items view.
- Select the plus button (+) where you want to place the grade column and select Add Item.
- Enter a title, description, and due date, if applicable
- Enter the maximum allowed points for the item
- If you are categorizing this column to be included in a gradebook calculation, you may assign the Grade Category.
- When you are ready for students to see this column on their grades page, select Visible to Students.
- Click Save.
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