When creating a test, you can specify that certain questions will be worth extra credit. Setting a question as Extra Credit means that points are added to the total score when answered correctly. However, no points will be deducted for incorrect answers.
To create extra credit questions:
- Edit an existing, or create a new, test.
- Click Question Settings on the Test Canvas screen.
- On the Question Settings screen, scroll to the Scoring section. Ensure the Provide option to assign questions as extra credit checkbox is checked.
- Click Submit.
- Create questions for your test or navigate to a previously created question you would like to make extra credit.
- After the test question has been saved, click the Points value for the question.
- A popup menu will appear. Add a check mark to the Extra Credit box and click Submit.
- You will see a quick, "Success" message. The Points box will display again with the words "Extra Credit".
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