Yuja, the college's enterprise media platform, allows users to create, upload, and manage media content. Instructors can create videos with YuJa or upload existing video files for use across their courses.
Folders can be created on the Yuja system to help organize video and content files. When using folders, a single link can be provided to students that will allow them to access all folder content as a playlist.
Creating a Folder on Yuja
- Navigate to YuJa at https://cod.yuja.com/. A link to YuJa is also available in the Portal under Work Tools.
- Select College of DuPage Single-Sign On from the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner of page, then click Login.
- Log in with your College of DuPage Single-Sign On credentials (your Blackboard username and current password).
- Once logged into the Yuja site, click the New Folder button and enter a name for the folder.
- Click Save and the folder will be created.
- Double-click the folder icon to enter the folder.
- Click the Upload button, or simply drag content onto the screen, to add content to the folder.
Sharing a Yuja Folder
Instead of having to provide individual links for each content item, folders allow you to share a single link to provide students with access to all of the folder content. Folder content shared this way, will appear as a playlist when viewed by whomever it is shared with.
- After logging into Yuja, hover over the folder you’d like to share.
- Click the elipse icon (...) that displays next to the folder and then select More.
- Select the Links tab.
- Copy either the direct link, or the folder embed code, and add it to your Blackboard course section for students to access the folder content as a playlist.
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